Current issues

current issues


If you are a Muslim living in this region then chances are you’ve heard of the online petition that wants Muslim women to be allowed to wear the hijab at workplaces in Singapore. A hijab is basically a headscarf worn by Muslim women when in public. In mainstream interpretations of the faith wearing it is a religious duty, and non-compliance is often considered a sin. A Muslim woman can easily be spotted in a crowd with her scarf wrapped around her head; it is thus significantly easier to profile a woman as Muslim than a man, because men do not typically wear anything to signify that they are Muslim.

Women who want to work and practice their religion by wearing the hijab face a lot of difficult situations and discrimination. Companies may see the hijab and immediately make the decision to not hire because of her religion of choice, as the scarf may not have “a place in their work environment”, completely disregarding any and all skills the applicant may hold.

This issue became a hot topic among internet users, after a user of  Facebook (FB) is known as the Mira Kamil who has finished her study in United Kingdom upload a status of  disappoint  after several applications of work in a reputable boutique in KLCC was rejected such as Topshop, Nike, Isetan, Esprit.
"We really wanted an employee, but do not want the veiled" and "sorry, cannot wear scarves if you want to work here." That's the word that she has received.

Many discrimination cases happen to women everyday and never make the news, local or otherwise. The problems faced by deciding to wear the hijab and by being a practicing Muslim in today’s workforce are horrendous.  Companies say that wearing a hijab is a cultural choice, and in no way are they obligated to respect cultural norms. Some women cannot handle the stress that is put on them, so they choose not to wear the scarf and they are more accepted by western culture because they don’t look different.

[Surah An-Nur 24:31]
And command the Muslim women to keep their gaze low and to protect their chastity, and not to reveal their adornment except what is apparent, and to keep the cover wrapped over their bosoms; and not to reveal their adornment except to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or women of their religion, or the bondwomen they possess, or male servants provided they do not have manliness, or such children who do not know of women’s nakedness, and not to stamp their feet on the ground in order that their hidden adornment be known; and O Muslims, all of you turn in repentance together towards Allah, in the hope of attaining success. (It is incumbent upon women to cover themselves properly.)



A tiny country of Brunei on October 22nd,2013 have recently announced that the country will implement “Hukum Hudud” or Islamic law in the country. The Sultan and Yang Dipertuan of Brunei Darussalam announced that it is the time to follow Islamic rules. He said that we have no right to say “tunggu dulu” pertaining to the God’s law.
The Islamic Law have been stated in the Qur’an (Islamic Holy Book) and Sunnah (The Saying of the Prophet) since the emerging of Islam in this world. It is not new and have been practised since the Prophet’s times. Islamic country such as Egypt is known for this law.
According to our favourite source of reference Wikipedia, one of the requirements for conviction is 4 witnesses and only free, adult Muslim men can become the witness. In addition to that, they must witness the action by their own eyes. The witnesses must be wise/just men, with no mental problem.
Some of the offences under Hudud law including theft, highway robbery, illegal sexual intercourse (zina), false accusation of zina, drinking alcohol, and apostasy. Hudud law or Hukum Hudud is only applicable to Muslims. Non-Muslim is usually will be sentenced under civil law.

3) Do Not Misunderstood The Syrians Struggle.

Let us not believe and not continue to be misled by the parties of enemies for  Islam, because clearly, we all know that they are more powerful and they monopolize the technology and media.

All Syrians who have fled to Turkey tells how injustice the military or Basyar which are using his police to beat, kill and imprison the Syrians with violence. The Syrians who are staying either in the house, drainage, forest or cave, they will be found and killed when troops of Basyar know that they are adherents of Sunni (Ahli Sunah Wal Jemaah). That is the reason why they rise up and take up arms to defend themselves, because that's all the effort that they have. 

If Syrians put a hope with western powers, the answer is just hopeless, because most of Syria's Liberation Army is composed of those who love martyrdom, which are many scholars Syria participated.In fact, they vowed they would die from being treated like a dog by the military Basyar. They also hold the confidence that Allah S.W.T will help them in their struggle against the enemies of Allah.

It is really disappointed to hear from anyone who says that Syria's Liberation Army was assisted by the United States, and the West. If so, long helped has been send by U.S. warships and bomb military for targets Basyar as they did to Libya. If correct they love peace, they would send UN troops as happened in Lebanon to monitor the situation.

Furthermore, the conflict in Syria now becomes more serious with the problem of Syiah and Sunni.  Basyar comes from Syiah Nusairi and his opposition mostly comes from Sunni . So every countries which are led by the Syiah groups will not allow Syria to fall into the hands of Sunnis. That is why they are willing to spend a lot of expenses to help defend Basyar rule. Throngs of troops sent to reinforce Basyar’s troops which consists of the Iranian revolution, Iraq Mahdi Army and Navy Hisbullah. 

Finally, we are expecting no more misunderstandings about the struggle of the Syrians against tyranny Basyar. They also are our Muslim brothers and mandatory for us to help them. We may not be able to supply them with our body as a fighter. But we were able to  give contributions such as prayer, reasoning and give sadaqah.

Surah Al- Baqarah verse 217:
They ask you about the sacred month - about fighting therein. Say, "Fighting therein is great [sin], but averting [people] from the way of Allah and disbelief in Him and [preventing access to] al-Masjid al-Haram and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater [evil] in the sight of Allah . And fitnah is greater than killing." And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. And whoever of you reverts from his religion [to disbelief] and dies while he is a disbeliever - for those, their deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein eternally.

Surah Al-Imran verse 157 :
And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that they amass (of worldly wealths, etc.).

4) Conflicts in Mesir

Mursi is the only President of Egypt that is free from influence and pressure from Western powers since the era of the Republic in 1952. 

Hosni Mubarak during his nearly three decades of rule cannot be concealed and denied the involvement in the reign of Western powers. Now obviously when Mursi does not rely on Western powers, he shows the outright to support Palestine, however, he can only last in one year.

Those who deny Mursi, it is just same like they are rejecting Palestine freedom. Since Mursi rule, the doors opened to the Egyptian side of Gaza and the Palestinian people can move to get some food. Unfortunately, by doing so it is not favored by Israel and Jewish kin.

Date July 3rd, 2013 a witness of "betrayal LARGEST" that performed by the Army and anti-Dr Mursi. Military action that took power with the support of Sheikh of Azhar and the Coptic Pope Tawadros , not democratic Egypt will see the future more bleak and uncertain. Soon later the new President will be the puppet army, which presumably is not approved, it will be confiscated by the military. Perhaps the best course of action is the new president to 'revamp' of military weapons that they do not make them shredding the results of the majority.

5 ) Palestine.

This is the website that always update an issues in Palestine.

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